On Wednesday, April 10 the Ford Conservatives dropped another housing bill called Bill 185, the Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024, and updated the Provincial Policy Statement.
These are significant developments. We’ll be hosting an interactive online briefing from 12pm to 1pm on Monday April 15 to answer questions, get feedback, and provide a more detailed summary of the bill and the Provincial Policy Statement.
RSVP by following the Zoom registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtfuupqTgjHNIe0FbyMOSk4KrVOeMQnpOi.
What exactly is the government proposing to do?
The Conservatives have given us a grab bag of half-measures that fix up some of their more terrible housing mistakes and spur the construction of some new housing, including unwise sprawl. It’s not ambitious, or bold, and it doesn’t address affordability.
Yesterday's bill will not make it any easier for people to buy their first home, pay affordable rent, protect a family from illegal eviction, or reduce homelessness. You can read a more detailed analysis of the bill here.
What we are calling for:
Our goal is to ensure that everyone lives in a home they can afford to rent or buy.
An NDP government will bring in measures to build 1.5 million homes in towns and cities to help address the housing supply shortage. We will establish a housing agency called Homes Ontario that will provide land, financing, and funding to build and buy affordable housing, supportive housing and non-profit housing. We will help renters by bringing in strong rent control and renter protection measures.