The Ontario Government’s decision last spring to cut $1 billion from Ontario classrooms is hurting students, parents, and schools. All across the province, teachers are getting pink slips, students are being forced into larger classes, and valuable courses and programs are being scrapped all together.
Meanwhile, the government is trying to force through class size increases and mandatory online learning.
We know our dedicated, world class teachers and education providers would rather be in their classrooms teaching than out on the picket lines. I share their demands that the government reverse its damaging scheme to cut thousands of teachers and education workers, cram more kids into every classroom, cut course options, and force kids to take mandatory classes online.
Now is a critical moment for us to stand up for the education all students in Ontario deserve.
If we continue to come together as parents, educators, students, and the broader community, we can force Ford to scrap the education cuts completely.
Please fill out the form below to send a message to the Minister of Education, Premier Doug Ford, and your local MPP to demand that the funding cuts to our education system be reversed and full funding restored.