Jessica Bell MPP, University–Rosedale

Government of Ontario

Cap class sizes to avoid school shutdown again: NDP

Published on November 18, 2020

QUEEN’S PARK — With Doug Ford now admitting he’s considering school closures again, the NDP is urging the Ford government to take action and invest in the safety of students and school staff. NDP Education critic Marit Stiles released the following statement:

“In order to give schools a chance of staying open and staying safe, we need to cap class sizes at 15, and do it now.

"Students and exhausted education workers need support and clarity. So far, Doug Ford has chosen to save a buck rather than saving our kids from COVID. He’s jammed them into classes of 30 or more, and over 3,500 students and staff have gotten sick with COVID-19, with about 100 more contracting the virus every day.

Parents and families are worried about being thrown right back into chaos with the Ford government considering yet another school shutdown. We’re extremely worried that instead of trying to save the school year, Ford is trying to save money.”