Jessica Bell MPP, University–Rosedale

Government of Ontario

Stop the sprawl

Published on December 12, 2022

Building more homes in existing neighbourhoods is far more sustainable than low-density urban sprawl. It allows us to protect farmland and the natural envrionment, promotes more sustainable transportation like walking and public transit, and allows municipalities to provide key services more efficiently. 

That’s why I introduced motions 29 and 30 saying no to expanding municipal boundaries, and yes to ending exclusionary zoning and building more affordable townhomes, duplexes and triplexes in neighbourhoods’ people want to live in. Add your name below to show your support.

Motion 30 Ms. Bell (University—Rosedale)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should make the necessary legislative changes to end exclusionary zoning and permit the as-of- right construction of townhomes, duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes in municipalities, and higher density along public transit routes.

Motion 29 Ms. Bell (University—Rosedale)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should direct municipalities in the Greater Golden Horseshoe Area to update their official plans to meet current and future housing, job, and growth needs by keeping their current urban boundaries intact.