QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario NDP Housing critic Jessica Bell said she is closely reviewing the Ford government's housing report, released Tuesday, and issued the following statement:
"Ontarians are being crushed by the skyrocketing price of housing. For over three years, Ford has gutted renter protections, doled out favours to his developer buddies and allowed investors and speculators to drive up prices. Del Duca's Liberals had 15 years to make housing affordable but chose not to.
Now, young people are moving away from family to find an affordable home. People are putting off having a baby because they can’t afford a place that’s big enough.
The NDP agrees with the task force that Ontario must increase housing supply, and that we must build within existing residential boundaries.
Our party supports and has long called for zoning reform to increase density and spur the construction of thousands of missing middle homes within existing neighbourhoods.
Building new homes is vital, and these homes must meet the needs of Ontarians, not those of investors and speculators.
But increasing supply alone won't solve our housing crisis. The Ford government must take on speculation — including introducing a speculation and vacancy tax on those who don't pay taxes in Ontario and increasing the Non-Resident Speculation Tax to 20 per cent, applied provincewide.
It must tackle ever-rising rents by closing loopholes and barring landlords from raising the rent in-between tenants.
It must build more affordable housing. The NDP's housing plan includes our commitment to extending the life of 260,000 existing affordable homes and building at least 69,000 new affordable homes over the next decade. It includes our Housing First strategy to end chronic homelessness.”
NDP response to Housing report
Published on February 8, 2022