The first clinic is located at Cecil Community Centre on 58 Cecil Street and will be open May 25th and May 26th from 10am-8pm.
Cecil community centre is welcoming both appointments and drop-ins. If you’d like to make an appointment or need any assistance accessing this vaccine, please call 416 392 1090.
The second clinic is located at Scadding Court Community Centre at 707 Dundas Street West, Rear, and will be open May 27th and May 28th from 9am-5pm.
Make sure you bring Bring mail or ID with your address on it to the clinic.
If you have any questions or need help, you can send me an email a [email protected] or call our office 416-535-7206.
第一個流動診所在施素街58號, 5月25日 上午10:00—晚上8:00 以及 5月26日 上午10:00—晚上8:00
不用預約. 長者, 殘障人士, 行動不便者, 露宿者或其他需要特別幫助的人, 可致電647-514-9888提前預約. 施素街社區中心流動新冠疫苗診所同時設有臨時託兒服務.
第二個流動診所位於登打⼠西街707號西城社區中⼼, 5月27日 上午9:00—下午5:00; 5月28日 上午9:00—下午6:00直至疫苗供應結束
如果您有其他問題或需要幫助, 請電437-370-1733 或email: [email protected]