Jessica Bell MPP, University–Rosedale

Government of Ontario

ACT NOW: Stop Rykka's takeover of Rose of Sharon long-term care

Published on January 8, 2021

Rose of Sharon is the only long-term care home dedicated to serving the Korean community in Ontario. The facility focuses on Korean culture, serves traditional food, organizes Korean activities, and the staff speak Korean.  

The original owners of Rose of Sharon put the building up for sale, and despite the Korean community raising millions to buy out the license and home, the building was sold to for-profit long-term care home chain, Rykka in December 2019. Rykka’s purchase of the home, however, is conditional on the Ministry of Long-Term Care approving the license transfer, and that decision could be made any day now. 

Last spring, the military was brought in to manage two outbreaks in long term care homes owned by Rykka. Given the company's poor handling of COVID-19 and reports of substandard care, the Korean community is fighting back and demanding the Ministry refuse the transfer to Rykka.

Fill out the form below to show your support for Rose Sharon residents and their families and to stop the transfer to Rykka.