Jessica Bell MPP, University–Rosedale

Government of Ontario

Tell Doug Ford that Supervised Consumption Sites Save Lives!

Published on September 9, 2024

Every 2.5 hours someone in Ontario dies from an overdose. Every one of these deaths is a human tragedy.

Harm reduction services, including Supervised Consumption Sites, needle exchanges, and safer supply programs, save lives. These sites have successfully reversed tens of thousands of overdoses and connected people to critical services like mental health and addiction support and housing.

Yet, on August 20, the Ford Conservatives announced they were shutting down 10 supervised consumption and treatment sites in Ontario. They also plan to restrict needle exchanges and ban municipalities from requesting federal permission for the regulated distribution of safe drugs to people in need.

Add your name below to send an email to Premier Doug Ford, Minister of Health Sylvia Jones, and the Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Michael Tibollo that harm reduction programs are evidence-based healthcare services that keep people safe from deadly overdoses!

Here is a petition you can download, print, and sign to be read in the legislature. 

You can also read a letter signed by more than 240 faith leaders in support of our safe consumption sites remaining open.