TORONTO — The NDP’s critic for Housing Jessica Bell (University-Rosedale) says Doug Ford's decision to appoint a multi-millionaire banker as the chair of his Housing Affordability Task Force adds insult to injury. Bell released the following statement:
"Doug Ford has had over three years to address Ontario’s housing affordability crisis and chose instead to let his buddies make millions while regular folks paid the price. Under Ford’s reign, investors and speculators have driven up housing prices to record heights, rent control on new buildings has been eliminated, funding to housing programs has been cut, and the Landlord and Tenant Board is so backlogged the tribunal is under investigation by the Ombudsman.
Now, Ford is using the oldest trick in the book to avoid action — he’s struck a task force. Rubbing salt in that wound, Ford has appointed a multi-million-dollar banking executive to chair the task force, and filled the seats with his own donors, bankers and developers. Completely understandably, people are worried that, yet again, Ford’s buddies will get whatever they want when it comes to the real estate market, and the rest of us will pay through the nose.
The Ontario NDP has released a comprehensive and bold housing platform that includes having billionaire speculators pay speculation and vacancy taxes, government investment to build new affordable homes, and zoning reform to spur the construction of thousands of new private-market homes including missing middle homes in existing neighbourhoods — all designed to give first time buyers the opportunity to secure the Canadian dream of owning a home.
The NDP’s plan also includes the end of raising rents between tenants, which will stop unfair evictions and skyrocketing rents, as well as other concrete tenant protections to make renting more affordable.”
NDP: Ford’s housing ‘task force’ looking like a farce
Published on December 8, 2021